Ethnokino Film Festival Poster 2022.

Poster Programm and Merchandise Design for ETHNOKINO FILM FESTİVAL BELONGING 30SEP-2OCT. About the Festival: In a world of immense connections and interactions, there is; love, hatred, compassion, apathy, rage, forgiveness, war , peace, conflict and resolution. And within all of that, between the lines; there is BELONGING. A common YEARNING to understand and to make SENSE of the biggest MYSTERY in this world: LIFE. Finding one’s own place within the making of it, the magnificence of all ART forms that is to LIVE. A deep LONGING to BELONGING. The film festival takes place on the 30th of September and 1-2 October in our home cinema Kino in der Reitschule. Ensuring a catalytic atmosphere, we encourage dynamic encounters among various backgrounds of people coming from all walks of life via an inclusive and diverse learning, sharing and creative space creation. Graphics Kai Matthiesen, Location: Kino in der Reitschule More Information: www.ethnokino.com